Sunday, July 31, 2005
The perfect day
It has to be the best thing going in a world that gets crazier everyday. I don't know about you, but that special someone can make life seem so much better. Of course, as my better looking half points out, there are times when you just hope that things like knives and guns aren't within reach. The last thing you would want is to end up in jail for a crime of passion. I can just see the crime reporters out there rubbing their hands in glee. Since I am straight, the story becomes a single column. Sorry, you'll have to wait a bit for the next Pushkin to come along.
Hmm ... was that a bit insensitive. Dragging in a dead man -- even if he was murderered in spectacular fashion -- just to make a flippant point. Sheesh, sometimes I suprise my ability to be downright crude. I am going to miss the checks and balances of the newsroom.
Ok, no more writing .. I have someone right next to me demanding attention.
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Last post from HT
See you on the boob tube.
Greek is nice!
Anyway, I'm writing this to say that I had a really nice meal at this new place called 'Its Greek To Me'. Its at Safdarjung Enclave on the Deer Park road beside the HDFC Bank. Really really good food, and despite it being a little steep at around Rs 600-700 a head (with a drink) the Baked Chicken Valikanos, Chicken Mykanos and Moussaka are really good. Fully reccomended by yours truly. For Snakeman, the lesson is, nothing stimulates your writing more than a great meal and maybe a joint of good Malana Cream.
Bliss... But I wanna sleep.
Friday, July 29, 2005
200 hits and Friday night linx
Here is some Friday night goodies, and why am I at home tonight, well I made friends with a bottle of Black and White last night and I am still recovering, I'll catch a movie tonight on the DVD. Thinking of All About My Mother or maybe I'll watch Hero again.

Nice Nintendo keychains, I really like the Mario One!
A great story on Wired News about the birth of Google!
Blind 17-year old is a pro at.... Video Games!
Flash poetry (ubercool)
You know the Japs are weird - but this? Expect robotic sex toys in three years!
These guys have some really neat furniture, I like the low-res chair lots!
Don't think HDFC or ICICI will have these anytime soon!
The Razer Copperhead - the coolest and fastest mouse on Earth!
Anyway its getting late now!
Identity Krisis
But, there are similarities. We are both Indian male journalists with some Bengali blood. And neither of us is terribly proud about that last bit. Oh yes, K used to work for the HT and in another 55 hours or so, I will be able to say the same.
The number of hits in the last 24 hours aren't surprising. Run down K and you have hits galore. I suggest that as a recipe for the comments as well ... make that komments.
Though, to be frank, this whole K thing is a little freaky. The only other person who loves this alphabet as much is Ekta Kapoor of Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi fame. The fact that we are continuously using the letter K in our posts -- and the attendant success -- makes me believe that all the jokes I have cracked about her having a kildo instead of a dildo may have been in bad taste. In fact, may be this whole K-as-a-the-perfect-starting-letter thing isn't all bad.
So, is it time for me to eat krow and start each article with the letter K? Is it time for me to give only K headlines? Or in the case of TV, is it time for me to only work with channels and on shows that also have names beginning with the letter K?
When I was in primary school, the kid next to me could never prounouce the word question -- he would always go koo-sh-chun. He's a multi-millionaire now. He has two houses in Jaipur, a fleet of cars, a flat in New York and offices in a dozen countries. And none of it because of his dad. Before any of the women here ask for his name, address, phone number, email and vital statistics, let me quickly add he just got married to a girl he's known since he was 15. And no, he's not the kind who likes a little spice on the side.
And though he did have his problems with calling a question a question, he didn't really use K in any other part of his life. His profession begins with a J -- no, he's not a journalist; his name begins with a G -- no, he's not a Gandu; and the letter K doesn't pop up anywhere in his company's name either.
So Ekta Kapoor really does have a thing for kildo's and our K just might be what she ordered. And he is going to Bombay.
'Nuff said.
A Konspiracy
Talking about Bombay, tomorrow is the big day - DNA after months of tittle and tattle and non-existent planning and hiring is finally hitting stands. Jain and Jain editors and management have had crisis meetings over the past few days, yet there is a belief now that DNA is hitting Bombay at a very bad time. Because I doubt the city wants to know of another scoop while it limps back to a sense of normality. Talking of Bombay's pain, it was surprising how the Delhi papers covered the news. While it was all over TV, and again I think NDTV did a great job, especially with the helicopter ride "with the flambouyant CEO of Raymond, Gautam Singhania" - as according to Sreenivasan Jain, the Delhi papers other than maybe ToI and the Hindu ignored the incident. The day the rains hit, HT carried the rains as a short twenty word brief, focussing instead on the non-existent tragedy created by evil communist leaders such as Gurudas Dasgupta and Brinda Karat. Express carried some pictures, but on the second day, HT decided to go ballistic on the ONGC story. I still think Mumbai's shutdown is a bigger story than ONGC because it directly impacts more people. Of course, ToI is a Bombay paper (and if the proprietor's wife and daughter are forced to spend a night at the airport, it will make P1 for sure).
Coming back to the HMSI case, I'm surprised that a old India hand like Yokihiro Aoshima, the boss of HMSI and thus the seniormost Honda exec in India could screw up like this. I knew there were warning signs of labour unrest when I met him three months ago, but he didn't get into that topic. Everything inside teh plant seemed hunky-dory. Yet, when a labour problem does explode, there is a proportion of blame that goes to the management. Of course, if evil communists desperate to lay waste to Indian industry (like they have successfully done in Kerela and West Bengal) get into the picture, it becomes worse. This problem was exasapated by the fact that Honda Motors hire idiotic Indians in management, because the Japs are control freaks and having dimwits around helps them exercise control.
Anyway, I have one request to people who hit this blog a lot, leave some comments once in a while.
EDIT : Bonatellis has written a very interesting post about his experiences of the Mumbai Floods.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
How do you feel?
It's been a dream run from me. From being an obscure stringer in a city where HT has a circulation of maybe 10,000 copies to working for the Sunday Bureau in Delhi, I have enjoyed a run of luck that, most of you will agree with this, cannot last forever.
O, unknown blog reader who doesn't know me from Adam, you already know this. There are few things in life as exciting as a run of luck. A time when it seems the world is conspiring to help you race from one milestone to the next. Where every leap seems more impossible and paradoxically easier.
I have worked for no other newspaper -- if you don't count the one week I spent with Dainik Bhaskar -- so I know no other newspaper, which is why this has to be the best -- you see, this is as good as it gets for me.
Oh, I almost worked for the ToI. But the better sense of the scariest editor in the world prevailed. Well, he's in Mumbai leaving me to my own devices and I'm off.
Television beckons. In a few months you might catch snatches of me -- specs, bad skin, wild hair, crooked ears and all -- asking strangers, "How do you feel?"
koming and koing
K in kargo kshorts. There are better sights. Like the Jallianwala bagh massacre. Hey, even a Kumar Gaurav starrer from the eighties is a masterpiece worth admiring for hours kompared to k in kargo kshorts.
So, there I was at the airport seeing him off gleefully with only one thought: no more K in kargo kshorts. Wertti had come along to celebrate as well, but the sneaky k lured him over to the kark side with a cylindrical roll of unmentionable substances just when we were about to pop a bottle of fizzy fruit juice -- I wish you didn't have to wait for fruit juice to spoil for the fizz. It just takes the fun out of drinking it.
Digressions aside. K is still here. Gazing out at the city at large. Threatening to kick (notice the word begins with a k) me off the blog. Hah!
This kalls for a ksilent takeover. Double hah!
However, (there had to be a but ...) to enjoy the well deserved perks of fame, you, K and I, will have to wait a bit. Have you even wondered what it was like for the average joe as the world changed around him just around, let's say, 0 BC, or 1917, or 1947 or pick any other year when "the times, they were a changin.'"
Well, the world is a changin' right now. We are alive at an inflexion point in history -- one of those interesting years when something happens for the first time. When history is made. Remember when man first went into space, when he first landed on the moon. Remember the first time Adam and Eve fucked. You WANT to be there don't you.
Fantasy -- of the mental sort, not the magazine -- allows us to live other lives. It has, at different points of time, let me be Superman, Batman, Neil Armstrong, John Lennon, a blade of grass (of the non narcotic variety) and so on ad nauseum.
It has also let me be the cool average joe -- the GI landing at Dunkirk, the man with the headset at Kennedy Space Centre, the jock flying the Blackbird over Red Russia ...
And now I know there are kids who will want to be me 50 years from now.
You, K and I have logged onto the Internet after 20 tries on a VSNL connection. You, K and I have used Netscape when people still had to pay for it. You, K and I have used email addresses that no longer exist, that used text based terminals, and never recieved spam. You, K and I have seen the birth of the World Wide Web.
And you, K and I are building the Internet of the future.
Pretty cool, eh.
Kevin Kelly, the co-founder of Wired, has written about the past, the present and the future here: We Are The Web.
Two kwik links of things that matter to me has a great preview of the game, and I'm still salivating!
Then there is the new Honda Civic. Even though the pictures released by Honda are for the hatchback, imagine a boot and then lots of these cars on Indian roads by 2006. That is if Honda stays on in India, because mad evil communists now want to throw them out, "We will ensure that the government puts the workers back in the plant" (actual quote courtesy Gurudas Dasgupta). Strange that they want them to invest in West Bengal though! I sincerely apologise for my creed, yes, we do eat too much fish.
The new 2006 Honda Civic.
News, news, news, read wonderful news.
However, the last 72 hours have been dramatic to say the least. First, evil communists determined to lay waste to India's new industrial heartland tried to attack the Haryana cops. Thankfully, bleeding heart liberal TV media (Oh my God, police brutality! Surprising that the Indian Express was the most balanced of all the newspapers, surprising given its usual pro-NHRC stand, realised that this incident was the fault of crazies like Gurudas Dasgupta - today he is trying to destroy the call centre industry by organising chakka jams- seriously this man should be put in a mental institute) had to start concentrating on Bombay once they realised that their colleagues were stuck at Mahim Causeway (if lucky) or walking 20 plus kilometers. Then yesterday, a shaken Mani Shankar Aiyar (who as you remember was last selling his ass to Lakshmi Mittal) announced that a platform on Bombay High was well sky-high! You couldn't get more news if you prayed for it, but TV newspersons are screwed because there is no way of getting back-up into Bombay. Well, there is now, but you still have to be mad to get into Bombay. I'm staying in dry Delhi (where the view from office is spectacular today) till Sunday.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Bombay under water...
Bombay cancelled.. temporarily.
Cocaine Search?
International Gorillay, a classic 1990 Lollywood movie about Salman Rushdie. See the clip it is hila-fucking-larious!

Lots of nice Macromedia Shockwave shorts.
Japanese Condom Art!!!!
The legend of Ninja Jesus
The world stupidity awards!
This is a great BBC short film of a woman holding up a sperm bank.
More later!
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Still in Delhi
Gurgaon Riots
Monday, July 25, 2005
Last Day in Delhi.
I've collected some 1000 odd visiting cards in the last four years, most of them must be redundant, but still it feels trange that I actually met and exchanged cards with so many people in the last four years (ignoring the rather facile nature of my first job). I've worked for absolute assholes, hipocrites, motherf***ers, but I like my current crop of bosses. I mean, I have my issues with them at times, but I like the place, especially #1 and #2. I just hope the guys in Bombay are as good.
My lives savings are zilch, I have a few thousand bucks owed to Citibank for my Credit Card, in Bombay I'll get paid jackshit (well, considering I'll be running my own set-up), but I guess I'll work my way up. Anyway, I bought new underwear and socks (as well as a new pair of Jeans) so things should be decent on the hygiene front at least for a short time.
But first, I have to find a house. And somehow not get butterflies in my stomach about leaving Delhi. I know I'll come running back here if things don't work out, so be prepared for that. About this blog, hmmm, I'll do to make some template changes I guess, chuck Naren out since he hardly posts and may become a bit irregular until I get a laptop or something. Lets see.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Packing and a visit to the temple.
I'm a temple person, but I guess once in a wehile it is a decent thing to do. I mean it keeps Mom happy. Friendgirl also insists that I go to the temple every once in a while. Anyway, after spending a lot of time with Friendgirl, she decided (for me) to go shopping. Went to a sale at Westside where I acquired a nice pair of Lee Jeans for a decent price. But, I was flabbergasted at the number of people shopping, it was insane. No wonder people are building malls like crazy.
I went back to watch the Formula One race today and for the second time on German soil, Kimi Raikkonen had awful luck. He should have by all rights won the German GP, instead Fernando Alonso won and stamped his name on the drivers championship this year. But, the star of the race for me was Juan Pablo Montoya who came from last position on the grid to second. Great drive.
Lets not get started on Narain (now say NA-RA-YAN not NA-REN). True he has possibly the worst car on the grid in the Jordan Toyota. But if the Toyota engine can get Jarno Trulli to the podium, why can't Jordan do something. After all, I believe the Jordan team is also owned by a Russian billionaire (like Chelski) so built a good car. But, even if they do build a good car, Narain will spin it and then call up his Indian journalist cronies and cry 'Bad luck, bad car, poor me.' You might say I'm being rough on the chap, no I'm not - there is no way in hell Narain could defend what he did in the US Grand Prix, sure he raced because his team decided to, but he defended that action - and for that those five points he has are worthless. Get it straight, Narain will not succeed in F1 (Alonso is six years younger than him, Kimi seven) he might potter along as long as sponsors buy him a seat, but honestly, its a waste of money. Amaron batteries can make a lot more much nicer Claymation adverts than sponsor Narin.
On another note, my Alto has no pickup. Climbing up a flyover it feels like you've added a lead weight to its backside. With the AC on, its like awful. But it gives me great milage and I shouldn't really complain since the car is so cheap. Anyway, you can't drive too fast in Bombay anyway.
Plus after seeing the pictures in the papers today - Is Mani Shankra Aiyar Lakshmi Mittal's bitch? Because after that picture, I've got grave doubts about our Petroleum Minister, I wonder if il diplomacy means more than just money? But then again if India's oil security has to gained by selling people's asses, so be it. It's Mani Aiyar's ass anyway.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
DD rocks!

Indian Cayenne.

I have to double-check the number of Porsche Cayenne's sold in India, someone who met my boss claims that over 70 have been sold in Delhi alone. My sources tell me 15, but I will just call up and ask the dealer, even though 70 seems like a bit much, given that the car was launched only eight-odd months ago. This means that Porsche has sold almost as many Cayenne's as Maruti has sold Grand Vitara's in the last year, and keep in mind that the Porsche is even thirstier than the Vitara. I also hear that General Motors is thinking about getting that extreme symbol of political incorrectness and environmental destrctionism - the Hummer H2 into India, I am sure Salman will buy one to run over people in Bandra. talking of Salman and running over people, I remember when the man ran over those three (or four, correct me) beggars in Bandra, he said that the brakes on his Toyota Landcruiser had failed. This went back to Japan and got Toyota in a tizzy, without the Mumbai Police asking (and the Mumbai Police asks things like wanting Mallika to give them 'the clip' to 'study' the evidence) Toyota sent a team of engineers to examine the car (which became a tourist attraction by itself as it lay parked outside Bandra PS) and they said nothing of the sort had happened, the Landcruiser, a Toyota exec told me had three redundant braking systems which can survive Antractica, the Sahara and the wetlands of the Amazon without a glitch even going 50,000k's before seeing a service centre. So them failing is kind of like claiming that the voice on 'the tape' isn't his.
Back to Cayenne, one of the first Cayenne's in India went to that half-gutted political wheeler-dealer Amar Singh. Now, Amar Singh's sole saving grace is that he ripped apart Suhel Seth in a HT edit page column. However, since I spent some of the last few days talking to a close friend who happens to be a 'thakkar' UP Thakur, I see Amar Singh has been sleeping too much with the enemy - ie: Mulayam Singh Yadav. UP Thakurs have always been ashamed that one of their own (Krishna, he who was the god y'know) who was brought up by 'doodhwallas' forsook them, and actually helped in the destruction of one of the main Kshatriya clans - the Kuru's aka the Chandravanshi's. Now back to the present time, Amar Singh has supposedly gifted (sold, is the term used) his Cayenne to Akhilesh Yadav, Mulayam's son. Friend claims that there is a dastardly plot to wipe out Akhilesh Yadav ongoing in Lucknow (something to do with Akhilesh lacking in the brains department and other extended family members of Mulayam wanting the son out of the way). Also, Mulayam recently offered 11 buffalo's in sacrifice in a pooja so that he could become Prime Minister one day. Now offering sacrifices is a major thing in Hinduism, and they usually do result in something, but since God's in the Hindu pantheon have a cruel sense of humour the results are usually not the intended ones. Wonder what that mean's for the Porsche Cayenne?
EDIT : Carrying on the freedom of media in the US and how sources are protected by the US Constituition's First Amendment, Pat Oliphant, the cartoonist for the New York Times has just printed a brilliant cartoon. After all Judith Miller, the woman journalist in jail is a NYT reporter. In India such a thing will never happen as all media (even one that advertises its brilliance just below the masthead everyday) is essentially beholden to publishers and vested interests.

Friday, July 22, 2005
I self confused...

Alcohol has suddenly re-entered my life in a big way. Second time this week I got pissed drunk, this time with Towelman Chyma in tow, which meant that TGIF loved us. And offered us two rounds of Tequila for the price of one. Its not exactly a great idea to do Tequila shots on a weeknight, after you're already very drunk, and at 12 at night its near suicidal. Not for me, but its a bad idea nonetheless, and sadly there was no female quotient to this group (other than the Chinky that Adsomus Rex was eyeing throughout the evening) its a really bad idea. Nope, but Towelman, had a rock-star epiphany suddenly and we had to imbibe two shots of Tequila each. We punished TGIF (I punished to be more precise, because I still haven't forgiven them for chucking me out of the CP outlet cause I was making out with this cute girl in the corridor leading to the loo) by whacking some shot glasses. We tried whacking eight (out of ten, and one glass broke) but they caught us and we returned three. Serve them bloody right. Quite amazing my collection of accessories whacked from bars - ashtrays, glasses, spoons, coasters - Shades even whacked a Fosters bar mat and one of those glass balls from Buzz. We are all hardcore Kleptomaniacs.
On another note, I've discovered that a lot of a people visit this blog searching for the meaning of the word 'Chutiya' thanks to a post I wrote back in January. Now, that was written after Snake man came out with a huge theory about what is better - being a Chutiya or a Gaandu. Anyway, to be honest, after spending the majority of the last eighteen years of my life in Delhi and going to a all-boys school (the best place to learn cuss words), i'll make it simple - Chutiya would relate closest to the Western abuse 'Pussy', Gaandu would translate, well sort of anyway into 'Asshole'. Anyway, as I've said this is a relatively family safe blog and you know I do't want to become like Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
Anyway, someone told me that I haven't been posting a lot of links lately, well here are some interesting things I picked up from the internet lately. And it IS a Friday, so I will post again.
Womens Pro Wrestling in Bolivia. Weird!
Mutant Fish!
New Bomb!
Sausage Rugs (taste bad!)
anyway more later, I have to work.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Lolly Sherawat?

Said image is of Lolly. Please notice similarities to Mizz Lamba. But you have to admire American porno, they have good looking actresses Not like the stuff you get in India - the latest being the Lakshmi Nagar 'Kaand' from Delhi of a plump woman who would not get a second look on the street now becoming hot property, as is the camera phone 'home video' of a couple in Gurgaon, and the infra-red imagery of the Mysore scandal is legendary. Yet, we still can't find any decent quality professional porno, Mahesh Bhatt are you listening? Before you say, we want more pictures of Miss Lolly Sherawat (hmmm, I still dunno), this is a family-friendly blog, and it seems that Lolly has a bad habit of losing her clothes quite often. One or two curse words aside.
On another note, as I am about to become a hallowed member of the working classes in the Big Guava. And thus will give up the luxury of morning tea. Damn! Two more days of work to go in Delhi. Also several cases of beer still to go. Anyway, now back to work.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Blogs away....
It seems Rafat Ali used to work at A&M, you know that really nice magazine that used to come out in the 90's. And is was a load better than that crappy Brand Reporter or Pitch shit that lands up in office every once in a while. Come to think of it, the alarming regularity with which I read informative blogs such as Blogspotting, Gizmodo, Sploid or Jalopnik its quite amazing that I still read the papers or watch TV for that matter. The Internet usually has better pictures and faster news than any other medium. The day the London Bombings happened - there were better pictures available on FlickR than on the agencies. I don't know whether blogging will ever challenge mainstream media in India, but Jain and Jain did shut down Mediaah! a few months ago in an action that preceded Steve Jobs' attack on Apple bloggers a few months later. People do read blogs, and blogs are relatively honest and bloody opinionated. Just look at the tripe I write.
But where mainstream media does have an advantage is in getting access to people. I mean would Fatty Mallaya or Fatty Ambani ever meet me the blogger, Nope. I doubt they would meet me the reporter either, but there is still an off-chance that they might. That said, I could write scurrilous things about these gentlemen, well, difficult about Fatty A, but say about their womanising or drug usage and might even get away with it. Not that I am saying anything here, I would have to make another blog for that. Sure, I guess everybody can still be tracked down (IP anonymisers and blogs, hmmm?) but blogs are freer and heck, I just write without having to worry about that every ephemeral thing, "your average reader".
Who is this average reader? The latest NRS data shows that the average reader for all business publications happens to be a college graduate with a Monthly Household Income of under Rs 15,000. And we write about the good life. Weirder still, for example, a lot of ET's readers haven't even finished school, at least thats what the readership survey says. Even funnier, BS has a higher circulation than readership, and while Indian Express gains awards they too suffer the same problem. So you can't really trust these surveys can you? Not to say that my publication did badly in these surveys, they did very well in fact, but all these surveys are dubious. Look at the TAM ratings for TV, all the ads taken out by NDTV and CNBC (I'm bigger adverts) take a very specific demographic - SEC A+ 25-45 year old males watching between 2000-2200 hours for the week of whatever. Now, given that TAM possibly has one or two people like that in its nationwide survey group, that viewer can change very dramatically - because he thinks X anchor has better boobs. Even funnier, no matter how CNBC and NDTV slice, dice and present the data, Headlines Today always seems to do well, which is really surprising given the absense of breasts (and the presence of funny accents on that channel), but I guess the product must be rather popular among some people.
Talking about TV Channels, Sabse Tez, ie : Aaj Tak is celebrating its tenth birthday this year, and the celebration party supposedly includes the starting up of some new channels from the TV Today stable. NDTV is also starting some new channels including an 'entertainment' channel that will have hours of 'Night Out'. Brilliant! I think World Wrestling Entertainment is more exciting. Whatever happened to Set-Top Boxes which would allow me to choose the channels that I want to watch? Instead I'm fed channels by a greedy cable operator who changes channels every two minutes. No wonder I surf the net so much. Blogs are more fun than watching TV, even on election day. If one of the newspapers wanted to, an election blog from Bihar would be great, off-the-cuff, to the minute stories with booth capturers etc, even put up videoes unfit for TV online. But, wait a sec, this is Bihar where telephone connectivity is bad enough in Patna, broadband internet might be a bit much to ask for. But you never know.
Anyway, I have to do some story on live bands in Delhi, so I should get back to work.
Middle of the week
Kinda like the party-man Thomas Friedman, you know the NYT Foreign Affairs columnist, who came down for Nandan Nilekani's (Friedman's new best friend, now that Arafat is dead) birthday, where incidentally Nandan's wife Rohini Nilekani organised a band to play Simon and Garfunkel's songs for Nandan. I knew the man had bad taste in shoes, clothes and cars. But Simon and Garfunkel, ouch! I'm not saying that Nandan should shake his bootahay' to some 50 Cent or Eminem, but god, anyway to each his own. talking of music, I forgot my CD's at home yet again and discovered just how bad FM Radio is in Delhi - I had to hear Kajra Re some twenty times in the one hour it took me to commute, and now I would ordinarily go into my thesis about how crappy road traffic is in Delhi, but because I am moving to the 'Big Guava' as Livinghigh calls it, I will refrain.
Now, getting back into bitching mode, Bossman and Second-in-Command went to a dinner thrown by Nandan for editors recently. Now, I know that Number 2 is a very cynical man and hates stupidity, but my god if the things he said happened, I think Vinod Mehta should get his head checked. Given that he has been told to wait for an ambassadorship, because the Congress Government has enough mouthpieces already, it seems now he wants to promote the IT industry. Mr Mehta lamented the lack of a 'central cohesive body' to promote Indian IT and BPO's. Excuse me, isn't there something called NASSCOM?
Talking of editors, Single-Daddy (despite running a pro-BJP outfit) was one of the few papers to defend Manmohan's defence of the Raj. I quote, "It is an acknowledged fact of history that the British (sic!) were the best colonial rulers in the world." Hard to disagree, I mean they did loot and pillage India, but at least they left behind a cohesive state. Unlike say the French and Belgians who are responsible for the mess in Africa. The Belgians by far and away were the worst colonial rulers, if you ever get the time to read some classic literture once you finish HP 6, check out Joseph Konrad's Heart of Darkness. The movie Apocalypse Now, which is one of the best movies ever made about Vietnam was based around that great novel, which might even qualify as a short story. Try and get a copy of Coppola's Director's cut DVD which is rumored to be six hours long.
The papers today are rather boring, I talk papers, because I have given up watching News TV, I find that so incredibly vapid. Maybe thats what happens when you start working in a magazine. ToI did a story on Rahul Gandhi's speed fetish, I wonder if he also takes part in the NOX races that happen on the outskirts of Gurgaon? Well, so rest assured if Rahul Gandhi comes to power (which he will one day) not only will Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code (do a Google and find out what I'm talking about) be lifted but at least decent roads will be built. And maybe Omni-man will be banned from the streets once and for all.
But I did find it peculiar that a bunch of VHP Sadhu's went to our President (aka Rocket Rani - really!) and told him that Muslim houses around the Ram Janmabhoomi/Babri Masjid area should be removed. Huh? The President is Muslim, boys. Smoke more pot, and if you want to build that temple, for gods sake redesign it. The current design looks like a pink montrosity. Imagine Hawa Mahal mixed in with Chattarpur temple. Ugh!
One of my friends recently told me that this blog isn't gossipy enough. By that she meant I didn't write on anyones personal lives. OK, everybody is screwing everybody. Literally! Imagine every single bloody permutation and combination of friends you can find and then you discover that they're having sex, some of them even in office. Which makes for very interesting coffee table conversation as you can imagine. And some of them don't use protection, which is stupid. But, thats not the point of this blog, that would have been the point of a blog I would have written ten years ago, when I was 16, no wait, that blog would have been about me getting action. I find peoples lives dreary sometimes, good to write a novel, not a blog.
That reminds me, I should write a novel, after all the wanna-be novelist Psycho-Somatic is bunking up at my place today and tomorrow. Which means I'll probaly go nuts. Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
On the Ash-Salman-Mastrubating Preity scandal there is massive new evidence. Maybe. This J Dey character is the samre journo that Pocket Hercules (aka shirtless wonder) had bashed up (not before Day Dey got in the first shot) a few years ago. Hmmm, revenge and how. Well, I still maintain that Man-Boobs should be sent to a Mental Asylum.
Anyway, point being I'm too stressed out to write, so I'll do a cut and paste again, read on to see what the Bushes fed the Singhs. And why do Manmohan and Missus look so freaking dumpy. I mean, one billion people and we made a fugly (and missus fugly) into our PM. Well, lots of Doctors and fatty Ambani, sneaky Mr T and Nandan
Guests and menu at the White House dinner given by President and Mrs. Bush for Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Mrs. Gursharan Kaur, as released by the White House:
Chilled Asparagus Soup
Lemon Creme
Chappellet Chardonnay Napa Valley 2003
Pan-roasted Halibut
Ginger-Carrot Butter
Basmati Rice with Pistachios and Currants
Herbed Summer Vegetables
Trio of Celery Hearts, Leaves and Roots
Salad of Bibb Lettuces
Citrus Vinaigrette
Lotus Blo
Mango, Chocolate-Cardamom and Cashew
Ice Creams
Mer Soleil Late 2001
Guest List
Ranendra Sen, Amba
K. Natwar Singh, Indian Minister of External Affairs
Dr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia,
Prithviraj Chavan, Indian Minister of State
Mayankote Kelath Narayanan, Indian National Security Adviser
Shyam Saran, Indian Foreign Secretary
Ratan Tata, Chairman, Tata Sons
Mukesh Ambani, Group Chairman, Reliance Industries
Nandan Nilekani, President and CEO, Infosys Technologies
Durga Agrawal, President, Piping Technology and Products, and Sushila Agrawal
B.N. Bahadur, Chairman and CEO, B.B.K. Limited, and Rani Bahadur
Fred Barnes, The Weekly Standard executive editor, and Barbara Barnes
Subha Barry, First Vice President, Merrill Lynch, Multicultural and Diversified Busine
Energy Secretary Samuel W. Bodman and M. Diane Bodman
Dr. Amar Bose, Chairman of the Board and CEO, Bose Corp., and Ursula Bose
David Brooks, columnist, The New York Times, and Jane Hughes
Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan.
R. Nicholas Burns, Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs, and Elizabeth Baylies
Andrew H. Card Jr., Presidential Chief of Staff, and Kathleene B. Card
Dr. Praveen Chaudhari, Director, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and Karin Chaudhari
Vice President Dick Cheney and Lynne Cheney
Brandon Chillar, St. Louis Rams linebacker, and father, Ram Chillar
J.D. Crouch, Deputy National Security Adviser, and Kristin Crouch
Rep. Tom DeLay, R-Texas, and Thomas Abraham, Councilman-at-Large,
Dr. Ravindra Desai, ENT Surgeon, and Lalita Desai
Dr. Vishakha N. Desai, President,
Donald B. Ensenat, U.S. Chief of Protocol, and Taylor Ensenat
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Richard C. Blum
Douglas Feith, Defense Undersecretary for Policy, and
Raghubir Goyal, White House correspondent, India Globe and Asia Today, and Dr. Jai Narain Gupta
Michael J. Green, Senior Director for East Asian Affairs, National Security Council, and Eileen Pennington
Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez and Edilia Gutierrez
Stephen J. Hadley, national security adviser, and Ann Hadley
Dr. Shabbir Hashim, owner, Westgate Dental Arts, and Arwa S. Hashim
Allan B. Hubbard, National Economic Council director, and Kathryn Hubbard
Jeffrey Immelt, Chairman and CEO, General Electric Co., and Andrea Immelt
Rep. Bobby Jindal, R-La., and Supriya Jindal
Farooq Kathwari, Chairman, President and CEO, Ethan Allen Inc., and Farida Kathwari
Brett Kavanaugh, a
Dr. Sharad Lakhanpal, past president of the American A
I. Lewis Libby, chief of staff to the Vice President, and Harriet Grant
Tom Loeffler, Senior Partner, Loeffler Tuggey Pauerstein and Rosenthal LLP, and Nancy Loeffler
Sen. Richard G. Lugar, R-Ind., and Char Lugar
The Rev. Dr. Bernard Malik, President, Federation of Indian American Christian Organizations of North America, and Abraham P. Mammen, Vice President, FIACONA
Anita McBride, Chief of Staff to the First Lady
Timothy J. McBride, Senior Vice President, Freddie Mac
David McCullough, author, and Rosalee McCullough
W. James McNerney Jr., Chairman, President and CEO, The Boeing Co.
David C. Mulford, American Amba
Mrs. Indra Nooyi, President and CFO, PepsiCo Inc., and Raj Nooyi
Gen. Peter Pace, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Lynne Pace
Rep. Frank Pallone Jr., D-N.J.
Sarah Perot, wife of Ro
Jerome M. Fullinwider, Chairman, VF-Ru
Robert Portman, United States Trade Representative, and Jane Portman
Dr. Julian Raby, director, Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, and Lorna Raby
Narender Reddy, President, Sterling Realty Services Inc., and Sikiu Yepes
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
Christina B. Rocca, A
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and Joyce Rumsfeld
Laurence H. Silberman, Senior Judge,
Dr. Rajwant Singh, National Chairman, Sikh Council on Religion and Education, and Balbinder Kaur
Bob Stevens, Chairman, President and CEO, Lockheed Martin Corp., and Michelle Stevens
J.W. Stewart Jr., CEO and Chairman, BJ Services, and Anne Stewart
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and Virginia Thomas
Raj Vattikuti, President and CEO, Covansys Corp., and Padmaja Vattikuti
Dr. Raghavendra Vijayanagar, Senior Partner, Gulf to Bay Cardiovascular Surgical A
Commander Sunita Lyn Williams, astronaut, and Michael Williams
World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz
Dr. Mammen Zachariah, Medical Director of Interventional Cardiology, Fort Lauderdale Heart Institute, and Molly Zachariah
Dr. Zach Zachariah, President, Fort Lauderdale Heart Institute, and son Alexander Zachariah
Monday, July 18, 2005
The last week of work in Delhi begins.
Anyway, I was reading The Economic Times today morning, because I must, not because I particularly enjoy it and noticed a strange article in Page 3, where Lalu Yadav, that lovable old buffon/idiotic hate mongerer says something to the effect that Salman Khan and Siwan MP Shahabuddin are being persecuted because they are members of the 'minority' community. Thanks to the weirdness of Indiatimes, I can't find the link, and nor do I have time to do all that. OK, firstly, before people accuse me of being communal, I'll just state this much, this statement is as similar to Mayawati saying that she was being prosecuted for almost selling the Taj because she was a lower caste. So therefore according to Laloo, womanising, threatening and killing is fine because these two individuals were of a particular community. Vote-bank politics? I guess so, but people like Laloo who please the liberal elements of the media (Read : Famous womanising son of famous Indian cricketer who is about to start own news channel) by his buffonery are dangerous elements. Can you imagine what would have happened to India had the man been running the country? The thought is frightening. Imagine the population boom. (Must let go of mental projection of Laloo and Rabri copulating, ugh!)
Talking about sex, I saw the first episode of 'Desperate Housewives' yesterday. It was a pretty good, though slightly 'gay' show. And Eva Longoria is HOT. Expect Zee to copy the show in three months with women wearing elaborate bindi's - the sluttier the woman the more the eye-shadow. Given that I don't watch desi-serials, I don't know that much so forgive my ignorance.
On another note, tax-skipping bastards tobacco molopolistic company ITC have today increased the price of a packet of Classic Milds to Rs 65. Even though, this means that a packet of decent Indian cigarettes costs only US$1.50, nothing like the $6.50 I paid for a pack of Camel's in Boston (lets not get to the depressing prices in Manhattan, but you hardly smoke on the island anyway), the price hike has left me depressed. The bastards!
The Guardian is running a contest wherein people write out Dumbledore's death in the style of another writer. Thanks Colin!
On a final note - lets go back to the Ash-Salman-Preity controversy, because that is a sure way of entertaining readers - and unlike TV Channels we can use terms like 'mastrubate' 'fuck' etc etc. Aishwariya Rai, who has screwed everybody in Bollywood according to Pocket Hercules breaks her silence.
"I cannot comment on any of the content in the tape or the ensuing debates and discussions on them. The matter has been taken over by the law. Let the legal system take its course. I've nothing to say about an association that ended a long time ago."
In another language - Salman is guilty as hell and I want to see him inside a jail (she never said that, but you get the picture). Of course, if Laloo has his way, that will never happen.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Make up your own mind.
The clip is widely available online, and no matter what Mallika Sherawat does, its beyond her control. The American Music industry is still trying to get around file-sharing, I doubt a Bollywood/Porno actress can.
Tomorrow - Mallika goes to the National Commission for Human Rights. Indian Express laments the rise of porno, Times of India (via Delhi/Bombay Times) starts doing a Today and printing 'mildly explicit' photographs. Hindustan Times starts writing on the rise of sex and the underworld. And Mid-Day prints the names. Fun! I wonder when they start of the sex lives of cricketers - because that I do want to read!
Bollywood sex and more...
I believe when someone approaches the NCW in a case like this - they are also proclaiming their guilt. It cannot be a 'morph' as Mallika claims because that level of CG expertise even Hollywood doesn't have. And it would take a hardcore obsessive compulsive guy to sit and change 24 frames a second (OK, only the frames with her face) for eight and a half minutes. That is alter the face, change every facial movement - perfectly. No way, Jose. Unless of course there is a Mallika Sherawat lookalike in the porn industry. By lookalike, I mean TWIN. But the the speed with which Mallika Sherawat changes names you never know. I wonder what her porno nom de plume was - Mummika Lamba?
Therefore, one of Bollywood's biggest heroines is a former porno actress. Big Deal. From yesterday's conversation transcript it seems that Ms Preity Zinta does a lot of strange things. Kinky chick. And another Bollywood actress (we have Salman to believe here) goes screwing around with everything.
Friday, July 15, 2005
Serious Shit!
Tape Transcripts of the Salman-Aishwariya conversations
"Ash: Don’t you ‘dare’ me!
SK: Don’t you dare f**k with me, Ash.
SK: Put the phone down you f***ing bitch. F**k Aamir, F**k Aamir, F**k Aamir, F**k Aamir. You f***ing bitch. You f***king slut. F***k Abhishek. F***k Aamir. In your f***ing history. F***ing slut. Nobody has been f***ing like people have f***ked you. You f***king slut.
Ash: Like what?
SK: Put the phone down, it’s a mistake. It’s a mistake calling you up! It’s a mistake calling 100 people to get your number! It’s a mistake finding out how you are! By the time you come back, I am going to get married. F**k you, slut. You b***h. Are you Aishwarya Rai? Are you Aishwarya Rai?"
It gets better... Preity Zinta, she of the bubbly smile and nice ass is a Salamn-o-maniac. BIG TIME!
"SK: Aamir Khan chaat raha hai aur bhag gaya chheen ke. Akshay Khanna chat raha tha aur bhag gaya. He is sorry.
Ash: Sorry. Do you remember the good time we had watching Biwi Number 1?
SK: Who is interested in Aa Ab Laut Chale? You know I f**ked Preity Zinta on the sets of Chori Chori Chupke Chupke. Quite a f**k.
Ash: Don’t try to maro line.
SK: I don’t want that bitch’s number. I want your number.
Ash: You tried your luck.
SK: Yeah. I did that. But it is not a problem.
SK: She’s masturbated on me 100 times.
Ash: To make her what?
SK: Take it easy, Ash.
Ash: No, no
SK: Take it easy.
Ash: Take her what?
SK: I said thrice. This is the fourth time. I can make Preity Zinta masturbate on the floor any time. You have all the shit. You know all that stuff. Come on, Ash, you’re going to meet Aamir right now!
Ash: Stop all the crap.
SK: What, we’re talking crap right now? Yeah, right.
Ash: That wasn’t an honest request."
It gets even better, it seems that everybody sleeps with everybody in Bollywood...
"Salman and Dia Mirza allegedly had an affair during the Jodhpur outdoor shoot of the film Tumko Na Bhool Payenge
SK: I have the power to do that. Do you know the underworld people call me at 12 at night because I am the main guy in Bombay. You know the underworld is controlled by me? You know I can do that. Why are you saying I’ll be in trouble?
Ash: I heard about Dia Mirza.
SK: Ah. I f****d Dia Mirza too. Hello?"
Wonder if he has a sexually transmitted disease of some sort. Mentally he cracked anyway. Salamn Khan Bollywood's answer to Tom Cruise - on the weirdness scale anyway. No Salman is weirder. Viva India!
The quoted stuff is copyright Mid-Day and Tariq Ansari I guess.
Delhi Metro ride

There are a lot more pics, which I'll post to my FlickR account later. Needless to say that for Rs 30 (Ten bucks each way and ten bucks for parking), this was a good one hour. And the Delhi Metro is much better than many of the systems in America, but the MARTA in Atlanta was very sweet as well. However, I still love the Paris Metro with its Ultra narrow trains which run of Michelin tyres!
PS : Just saw the Mallika MMS everyone is talking about. Why????
Salman, Aishwarya and a drunken phone call
We've all been dumped, badly, at least once in our lives and we all tend to get rather emotional about it, I know I have. A friend of mine still wants to kill me because he believes I played a role in his getting unhitched - which I did not. But when your synapses are going beserk up in your head, you can't think straight, and especially if your synapses have been used to a daily diet of steroids, they do tend to get a bit more screwed.
Anyway, so Sallu acts like any man who has a litre or two of alcie and maybe a few lines of charlie would, he tries to threaten the poor girl into un-dumping him. Charlie said I? Yes I did, I'm sure the guy was dosed up of Cocaine and thats why he was talking big (and silly). Everybody has looked at the transcript, but nobody has really read between the lines. I loved this one though - "You used me like I used you." Well, Sallu at least you got to screw Aishwarya on a regular basis, that is more than any of us can say (maybe Vivek Oberoi, but does Ash sleep with him? Moot point) so cheer up.
Sallu is doing Kat Kaif now, so now need for him to feel depressed, he should just know how to handle emotional distress. Not that I am a great expert on the matter, I brought a fight onto this blog (post deleted). But I wonder how he does it? I've been led to believe that doing too many steroids kills a mans balls. That said Sallu should be locked up in a mental institution for life - he has killed people on the road, killed a Black Buck and terrorised a cute babe. The man is nuts.
And you have to admire Aishwarya's atoic silence on the issue.
Now can the TV media stop this please, I'm bored.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Thursday evening linx...
Anyways, here are nice entertaining Thursday evening linx to keep everybody happy!
Seldomly asked questions about Japan - and you discover that they are weirder than you can possibly imagine!
Curious? Then go to
Noooooooo, damn!
OK, this is not safe for work because of the banner ads, but my god Britney Spears has become a fugly!
Someone scans Flickr for the babes, god knows how many are stolen from other websites, but some are really sweet - again, not safe for work and it takes forever to load.
Not for the squeamish!
How beer might help you kick the smoking habit!
Awesome! I want one too!
Swift Test
Ah, now the favourite issue with Indians - fuel economy. Now, I know that one particular auto magazine alters fuel economy results for money and all magazines give 'city' fuel economy figures based on Bombay driving. In Delhi, the car performed decently well, I estimated around 11-12 (with the AC on) and I was driving pretty rough (using a gear higher than needed) for better performance. If you drive well enough, you should be able to get around 13 on this car in Delhi. In Bangalore, you'll finish your feal tank while waiting in traffic.
That said, the Getz is a nice car too. Its got more space, maybe even better interior fabrics. But for gods sake, the Swift performs like a bitch on heat when you put the pedal to the metal. You'll hit 100 while on second gear, and the road runs out with alarming speed with the Swift. And honestly, its name doesn't sound silly.
The only thing against the Swift is the current eight-ten week waiting period for the car. But, don't let that deter you, this is one killer car. It is as Jaggu Khattar told me, "The new Zen." It is THAT good.
PS : Loved HT's story of Ash and Sallu today. Now know why the vixen broke up with shorty, and what a way to launch in Bombay. Brilliant. Best of luck to my former employers!
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Some Pics of Cal and planes....

Now that Blogger allows you to post pics, everybody who sees my blog can see my crappy collection of pics. Just click to expand them, I guess you knew but anyway. Thank god for 1.3 megapixel cameraphones, and in particular the Nokia 6880. I'm supposed to write a review on the phone, but put simply this is a really nice gadget. Anyways, lets start with the pictures. The first one is a shot of the new Howrah Bridge taken from near the Princeps Ghat railway station. We had gone there to immerse my grandfathers ashes. I'll post these images to Flickr in a bit, but for the time being, I'll just post them directly to the blog. My apologies if you use a dial-up. The next image is a simple aerial shot taken from the Air Deccan flight I caught back to Delhi. It was quite beautiful to break through the low lying cloud and into the sun. Its a quite amazing thing the monsoons, possibly the world's most freaky meterological event. Every year, the winds in this part of the northern hemisphere just change direction and instead of heading for the African rift valley just dump rain all over the Indian subcontinent. Well, some parts more than others as Gujarat discovered this year.Flying Air Deccan today was far more pleasant than I thought it would be. OK, so the seat pitch was pretty small, but for gods sake, Jet Airways has equally crappy pitch in Economy Class.

Back and forth.
Firstly, and I admire this, it seems that Calcutta seems to have dispense with old-style cremation, everything happens in huge electric crematoriums. Imagine gigantic ovens - I'm sorry but thats what they are, they aren't romantic, but then again death never is, but they are a lot more environmentally friendly than chopping down a tree to cremate someone, and in a city where it seems there are more humans than trees, I guess it makes sense. Given that my grandfather who was against much ceremony and ritual, I guess we kept it all rather quiet, but my uncle did chide me for giving too much money to the priest who oversaw the ceremony. However, the crematorium itself is a very depressing place. We went to the Keoratala crematorium behind Kalighat and all around us there was huge wailing and screaming. Double Daddy pointed out that among Bongs (and it seems Indians on the whole) wailing is a ritual. Thats fine, but insanity needn't be a ritual. Death, and the ceremonies that we have after death should be dignified. However, I guess its easier for some rather than others.
I flew back today morning on an Air Deccan flight, which was cramped but none the less, it was also the first flight in the last two months that I have taken that took off within ten minutes of its scheduled time. I'll post some more pictures from Cal and the flight later.
Addendum : I do not have the linx or file of the phone video Mallika Sherawat (or not Mallika Sherawat) having sex with some white man when she was in Cannes. I know half the people visiting this site in the last five days have come in looking for that, and I'm sorry its not with me. In fact, I doubt its anywhere on the internet just yet, maybe try the forums at Masalatalk as well as disabling the 'Safe Search' function on Google. Why don't you try and find it the old fashioned way, get it from a friend via Bluetooth. Incidentally, I have only heard of this clip till now and haven't seen it as yet, but from what I hear it may not be Jat-girl. Now I read a report in The Statesman today morning where Mallika's friends in Bollywood have assured Jat-girl it isn't her after they 'carefully studied' the clip. I don't know what to say! Jat-girl (ex-Jet-girl mind you) should really do India proud by calling up Hugh Hefner and becoming the first desi to appear in Playboy. Not that there is much left to see, but at least PB is classier than starring in a MMS video. I've said this before and I'll say it again - Indians are voyueristic bastards - and if we don't do somthing about it soon, we'll end like Japan - on the Sex front that is.