Anyway, I'm posting the lyrics from their song Reptilia here.
He seemed impressed by the way you came in.Anyway, so now I have to finish transcribing an interview. Transcribing interviews have to be the worst thing around. Awful is an understatement. You know what you need to recover from something like this? What I need is to watch a lot of Carmella DeCesare, who was Playboy's Playmate of the Year last year. Smokin'
"Tell us a story
I know you're not boring"
I was afraid that you would not insist.
"You sound so sleepy
just take this, now leave me"
I said please don't slow me down
If I'm going too fast
You're in a strange part of our town...
Yeah, the night's not over
You're not trying hard enough,
Our lives are changing lanes
You ran me off the road,
The wait is over
I'm now taking over,
You're no longer laughing
I'm not drowning fast enough.
Now every time that I look at myself
"I thought I told you
this world is not for you"
The room is on fire as she's fixing her hair
"you sound so angry
just calm down, you found me"
I said please don't slow me down
If I'm going too fast
You're in a strange part of our town...
Yeah, the night's not over
You're not trying hard enough,
Our lives are changing lanes
You ran me off the road,
The wait is over
I'm now taking over,
You're no longer laughing
I'm not drowning fast enough.

Anyway, I did one better and I got a site where some very kindly soul has scanned pictures of every playmate centrefold from the 60's.
You know which Indian mogul has a collection of every single Playboy issue (at least when I saw it last) ever printed from the mid-50's. Well, its not fatty Mallaya, who has to make do with penis-enhancing Ferrari's that he can't fit into. But Arup Sarkar, better known as Aveek Sarkar's brother. In Calcutta too. So thats where ABP group profits go.
Sometimes the Indian media befuddles me, for example why didn't HT print the 'Sleeping Mulayam' on its cover. And why must we be subjected to the same inane Delhi University admission stories year after year after year. Come July 16, and Indian Express, that bastion of Courage, will send their reporters to tail some idiotic faccha and talk about the horrors of ragging. You want to do a story on the horrors of ragging, send an undercover reporter inside Ramjas or Kirori Mal. But noooooo... HT will then say that some fresher was made to mate with a bitch. As in a bitch bitch. I mean copulate with a dog. Um, other than the fact that such sickos don't really exist in Indian colleges, the correspondent involved who filed the story couldn't see past her hand and thought 'Wow!' Not that ToI is any better. And then six months later India Today will do a cover feature on this. Brillianto!
You want to see ragging, go inside a hostel. So my ragging involved being hit in the balls, twice and being made to carry luggage and having toothpaste put on my balls (which hurts like fucking hell) and then finally be appointed 'roller' to the resident dopehead, I still got off lucky. At least I wasn't sodomised by a beer bottle (Ramjas) or a 12" candle (Kirori Mal). Guess why? Because I was told that Stephen's is too classy for all this. Anyway I ragged juniors by getting them smashed drunk, which failed in third year because I found the two alcoholics in my junior batch who, well outdrank me. Well, cheers to them.
Anyway, they've found Jesus
A collection of Last Supper's (What's the code behind them?)
Someone spent a lot of time making this slideshow, and you must go see it. It's called A Mothers Tale, and its done using dolls. Great shit. Don't the horse bit though!
Bono wants to save the world
Chalo, back to transcribing.
Exaactly, that's what we've been saying. why can't a reporter enter a hostel aand write what he sees?
Keep up the good work
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hi ur blog is very interesting...
me too based in mumbai...
a filmmaker from KIrori mal college...not a hosteler...
currently doing a film on ragging...can we talk sometime...
pankaj rishi kumar
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