As I said, there are times I do love my job.
However, gaming and me have been very bad friends before. I remember spending hours on an old Atari 2600 before they came out with the 'Samurai' game system - which was a rebranded NES. Damn, I spent hours playing 'Double Dragon' and 'Legend of Kage' and what not. Then I had a Dreamcast where I spent the good part of three days virtually non-stop playing 'Soul Calibur', while missing work. Which wasn't a very good thing - you couldn't exactly explain to your boss that you spent the first three days of the week staring at the screen while watching scantily-clad video-game women slug it out with muscle-bound ugsters.
Yes, I was/am a game nerd. I have given up chances at actual romantic escapades because I had chance of beating a person I didn't like so much at FIFA. Sometimes I used to have people I didn't even know (what sometimes, by the end of it, I used to have six guys I didn't know in my living room). In fact, there have been times that I have thought that my gaming addiction was worse than my smoking pot - No wait - it all went together - Pot+Coffee+Chips+Game Console. I even had the house wired up in such a way that when the inverter kicked in - which it did a lot in Delhi those days - the console would stay powered.
Going 'Cold Turkey' was difficult - I found solace in the internet - where beautiful (body modified) women beckoned you at every nook and cranny. And there were always cheap Javascript games to be found. But I quit, and I haven't bought the latest generation of toys - I will however buy a PS3 next year - but I should be older and wiser by then. I may even get married. However, the PSP is offering me the chance at a fling, a chance to remember the past life, and boy am I going to embrace it with both arms wide open.
Baby, we are going to have a blast!
Yes, we do remember the friendgirl, does the potential marriage have anything to do with that? Weirdly, I am gradually coming around to the idea. Scary. I must indeed be growing old.
My first forays into the binary world was on 386s and the first machine I had at home was a PI with 16 megs of RAM, found my around it by messing up the OS numerous times by deleting important .sys files.
What is the tentative pricing for the PS3 here? I am lost between investing in some serious audio production hardware and getting one of those. Probably will go with the hardware only, maybe even a decent lappy just for kicks.
My first computer was a 1984 ZX Spectrum+ with a then boggling 48kb of RAM, audio tape games.. My father spent some 400 pounds in 1985 for that. I loved it...
and friendgirl will party with the boys!
loads of night outs for me while k is busy with his toys!!
here i come boysss.......
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