Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Bad Taste...

I don't want to see a dead body on the front page in the morning, I don't care how important the story is. Someone died, don't desecrate him by carrying a picture of his dead body on the front page. And while I'm at it, drop the Edit page too, I really don't want to read sanctimonious articles by people who should really be put out to pasture. And please improve your Business section as well, though I do think the Sports pages are awesome!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're free to read or create mindless tabloids. But REAL newspapers with a degree of scholarship need to exist too. Reading the title of your blog I thought it would be an eye-opening revelation of behind the scenes happenings in the serious news business. But you seem to be just another reporter who has chosen to report on things which are all style and no substance. So I dare say your blog title is misleading. It should be something like "Behind the scenes of tabloid journalism".